Binding: Paperback
Rating: 4.5
Review: 10
Studio: Penguin Classics
Lawyer, philosopher, statesman and defender of Rome's Republic, Cicero was a master of eloquence, and his pure literary and oratorical style and strict sense of morality have been a powerful influence on European literature and thought for over two thousand years in matters of politics, philosophy, and faith. This selection demonstrates the diversity of his writings, and includes letters to friends and statesmen on Roman life and politics; the vitriolic Second Philippic Against Antony; and, his two most famous philosophical treatises, "On Duties" and "On Old Age" - a celebration of his own declining years. Written at a time of brutal political and social change, Cicero's lucid ethical writings formed the foundation of the Western liberal tradition in political and moral thought that continues to this day.
Manufacturer: Penguin Classics
Price: $15.00 USD
Sociology of Mental Illness: the Study of the Un-institutionalized Mentally Challenged in Abeokuta, Ogun State. Nigeria
Normal Child: Essays on the Intersection of Kids, Culture, and Psychiatric Drugs. West Point: Praeger.Eisenberg, Leon. 2007. Book Forum. American Journal of Psychiatry 164:835- 836.Erickson, Kai.
Other Peoples Children Cultural Conflict in the Classroom
Binding: Paperback
Rating: 4.0
Review: 41
Studio: New Press
By the year 2000, nearly 40 percent of the children in America's classrooms will be African American, Hispanic, Asian American, or Native American, yet most of those children's teachers will be white. In a radical and piercing analysis of what is going on in American classrooms today, MacArthur Award-winning author Lisa Delpit suggests that many of the academic problems attributed to children of color are actually the result of miscommunication as schools and "other people's children" struggle with the imbalance of power and the dynamics of inequality plaguing our system. Winner of Choice Magazine's Outstanding Academic Book Award, the American Education Studies Association Critics' Choice Award, and one of Teacher Magazine's Great Books of 1995. Delpit is also a contributor to Racism Explained to My Daughter (New Press: June 1999).
Manufacturer: New Press
Price: $16.95 USD
Caste in India
Bates Cultural Anthropology Felix M Keesing, The aborigines have an intricate classification system that defines kinship relations and regulates marriages, men
E-culture and Personality Dimensions Among the University Students
the fashionable slogans of contemporary social science. The culture and personality study also called âPsychological Anthropology,â is a branch of anthropology that seeks to determine the nature of the interest between the individual and
The Strange Career of Jim Crow
Binding: Paperback
Rating: 5.0
Review: 9
Studio: Oxford University Press, USA
C. Vann Woodward, who died in 1999 at the age of 91, was America's most eminent Southern historian, the winner of a Pulitzer Prize for Mary Chestnut's Civil War and a Bancroft Prize for The Origins of the New South. Now, to honor his long and truly distinguished career, Oxford is pleased to publish this special commemorative edition of Woodward's most influential work, The Strange Career of Jim Crow. The Strange Career of Jim Crow is one of the great works of Southern history. Indeed, the book actually helped shape that history. Published in 1955, a year after the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education ordered schools desegregated, Strange Career was cited so often to counter arguments for segregation that Martin Luther King, Jr. called it "the historical Bible of the civil rights movement." The book offers a clear and illuminating analysis of the history of Jim Crow laws, presenting evidence that segregation in the South dated only to the 1890s. Woodward convincingly shows that, even under slavery, the two races had not been divided as they were under the Jim Crow laws of the 1890s. In fact, during Reconstruction, there was considerable economic and political mixing of the races. The segregating of the races was a relative newcomer to the region. Hailed as one of the top 100 nonfiction works of the twentieth century, The Strange Career of Jim Crow has sold almost a million copies and remains, in the words of David Herbert Donald, "a landmark in the history of American race relations."
Manufacturer: Oxford University Press, USA
Price: $19.99 USD
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The Sights and Sounds of Illinois
on 1906 and offers a collection of artifacts and exhibits covering the subjects of Geology, Zoology, Anthropology and Botany. It is most famous for its Tyrannosaurus rex fossil collection being the most complete and largest collection ever.